Thursday, March 4, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me...

I'm TWO YEARS old now!! Well, actually I've been two for almost a month now, but Mom hasn't had time to help me update the blog in awhile. are some photos of my birthday finally! I had a pony-themed party, complete with a pretty pony dress (that Grammie made), pony pinata filled with plastic ponies (and chocolate), a pony cake (that Mom made), pony rides (compliments of Prince), pony balloons, pony lights and pony gift bags. I loved my party and was a very efficient present-opener. I got lots of neat stuff - even my very own kitchen. My cake said "Happy Doo Doo" instead of "Happy Birthday" since that's how I say it...Mom thinks that it's a shortened version of saying "Happy Birthday To You" that I made up after reading Little Gorilla a zillion times.

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